Tuesday, October 2

Create a new ending

"Although we cannot go back in time, and create a new beginning, we can start over, and create a new ending."

A friend of mine posted this quote today, and it is so true. So many of us, wish we could just go back and start all over. Really, there is no reason to go back and do so, when you can start over today. You can't help where you came from, or how your story or journey began, but you can rewrite it, and make a new ending. Each day is a new day to start fresh, and to try something new. No matter when you start, or how you start, all that matters is that you start somewhere.

Take each day as it comes. Work towards a new you, and new ending, at the pace that works the best for you. Only you know what will, and won't, work for you.

Each day is a new chance to create a new you. It's up to you to decide what day you will do that.

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